Posted by: happyangelclub | 10月 5, 2009

MP’s Volunteer shouting in Public / 议员的义工当众漫骂

By Jane Lim    5-10-2009

Recently, I had reported some cases, awaiting the associate agency and in charge person to improve the quality services for the needy groups in our society.

Yet I had received very strong feedbacks in positive and negative,. Some people are trying to stop me to service the needy elderly in the area. A grassroots volunteer confronted with unreasonable scolding in the public.

Are the Elderly happy with my services? Let’s us let the Elderly say for themselves.

*Is it Right for the RC / CCC Volunteers to Shout at Other Group of Volunteer in the Public?

* if the Volunteer who is arranging for Meet the people section shout in the Public with scolding tone, how can he/she be helping the Residents?

*What kind of qualification do the volunteer of the meet the people session need?

I have no choice yet need to report to the police to prevent further hurt to the elderly.

(Note:Police Report No. D/20091004/2061 / Thanks NCSS and PA have show concerned and responded to my previous reports. )





Happy Angel - BMV BLK 117 - Photo Shoot -  04-10-2009

Happy Angel – BMV BLK 117 – Photo Shoot – 04-10-2009

4:41   October 04, 2009

People & Blogs


Happy Angel - BMV 117 Video Shoot - 04-10-2009 (1)

Happy Angel – BMV 117 Video Shoot – 04-10-2009 (1)

5:30   October 05, 2009

People & Blogs


Happy Angel - BMV 117 Video Shoot - 04-10-2009 (2)


  1. Hi

    There is a big difference between your work and those of the RC’s.

    It seems that you did it out of care and concerns. As a smaller group, you are able to respond very fast to the needs of these old folks living in the vicinity. That’s your strength.

    Whereas, for RC/CCC people. Many joined RC/CCC because they wanted something in return, e.g. priority queue for their kids for primary school admission, public regconition, like PBM etc.

    Usually, the activities organised by RC/CCC receive luke-warm response from the residents. I suspect that this has to do with the lack of necessary groundwork to find out what the real needs of the people under their area. That’s their weakness.

    Coupled with the KPI set by those in higher authority, activities have to be rolled out anyway. Weeks after weeks, months after months. Before long, volunteering becomes a routine, no difference than any other secular work.

    When RC/CCC see noticed your activities have been well received, not surprising that their immediate response was anger which translated into unruly shouting. This is called lack of security.

    Having said that, the RC/CCC are established institutions and have a lots of resources which can be better managed to benefit needy residents.

    Hope that your group and RC/CCC can work together to complement one another. Afterall, the welfare of the people should remain the main thrust moving the groups forward.

    Great work !

    • Thanks Ah Kow.

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